Tuesday 28 July 2015

Gayism, Scouting, 21st Century

The Boy Scouts of America on Monday ended its ban on openly gay adult leaders. But the new policy allows church-sponsored units to choose local unit leaders who share their precepts, even if that means restricting such positions to heterosexual men. Despite this compromise, the Mormon Church said it might leave the organization anyway. Its stance surprised many and raised questions about whether other conservative sponsors, including the Roman Catholic Church, might follow suit. Mark Goldfeder, a senior fellow at the Center for the Study of Law and Religion at Emory University School of Law, said that by ending the ban at a national level but allowing religious groups to retain exemptions based on personal beliefs, the Boy Scouts were striking "a very good balance." The change shields the national organization from lawsuits, he said, and shifts questions of discrimination onto local groups. "They've taken a good step forward in the conversation about accommodations," he said."The mission of the Boy Scouts is to prepare our nation's young people to become responsible citizens and leaders," she said. "What better way to do that than to give them the ability to learn from a diverse group of adults and role models?" To match the diverse global culture, do you think Kenya or Africa in large should embrace Gayism, what do you think considering it is refereed  to 21st Century Cukture?

Wednesday 15 July 2015

Time to Pack & Go

Dynamic Kenya
I think Kenya Scout Association in not planning around the unique challenges young people currently face in Kenya. We still use same method used 10 years ago & boast we are changing lives.
The key areas and dockets to revise their program include:

  1. Youth Program
  2. Adult Resources
  3. Campsites & Scout Centers
Its very important for the above offices to look on new methods to tackle the dynamic Kenya unless we want to loose relevance and gains made. By now all members should be enjoying the following:
  • Insurance
  • Royalty Cards
  • Job creation for youth
So many things are currently happening and its not likable, some of the things currently seen include: Bribery, Poor management of resources including leadership management and also sexual affairs.
What are you doing to improve Scouting in Kenya or you will keep crying and whining?